The State of Humanity

The State of Humanity
A Return to Natural Law

In that any “state” is a way or form of being which germinates and takes root from a seed of thought, it is in fact a fiction, a mere abstract construction of the human mind. Such a state of thought may fade into oblivion, or if having merit, it may gather unto itself like minds that may support it; but that state is initially forged from thought alone. Such a state of thought may then develop and evolve into a variety of forms and may even become a codified philosophy or doctrine developed by its advocates.

Such a state of mind may be social, political or religious in nature, and has as its primary objective a goal or the mutual benefit and camaraderie of its devotees. It may even require an oath or pledge of allegiance and other consideration or obligations of its self-proclaimed devotees under a franchise of membership or citizenship. Initially, participation in such a state may be voluntary or by invitation and is based upon the understanding that it is a meeting of the minds that creates the bonds of camaraderie one to another.

But nonetheless, any state is primarily a fictional “state of mind” only. Therefore any benefits, franchises, contracts, laws, statutes, codes and accords created thereby are mere extensions of that fictional state and are also fictional in nature regardless of how grand or ignoble they may be. Generally, such benefits are available to, and their terms and conditions are binding upon, the members of that particular “state” of mind only - by their consent – and, perhaps, to the exclusion of all others.

All states, regardless of philosophy, size and strength or political structure or geography have in common that philosophical foundation upon which they were built and without which a meeting of minds through an ordered line of thought based upon a common philosophy cannot exist.

When one is in a state of harmony with their chosen belief system, they are said to be “within” that state, agreeing to be subject to that state, and, perhaps, to the will of the masses of which it is composed. Such harmony exists as a result of a mutual understanding of the founding philosophy, agreement with that philosophy, and consent to governance by that philosophy, and a trust in the protections found within it.

However, in time the state will usually evolve into another form of being or philosophy. If one finds that such a state has abandoned its founding Ideals and has degenerated and decayed to a state of incognizance or unconscionable disregard and wanton abuse of basic Human Rights, for example, it can no longer equally provide for the mutual benefit and camaraderie for which it was created, resulting in a state of disharmony among its members.

When a state of disharmony with such contrary states of thought exists, and such disharmony is irreconcilable in nature, one becomes “foreign” or “alien” to that state and its new philosophy. Some are compelled by their morality to withdraw and abandon such states for lack of that essential binding element, a meeting of the minds. Others are alienated and driven out by the body of believers, members, or citizens of that contrary belief system in the interest of self preservation by maintaining a status quo.*

Whether expressed or not, it is a matter of simple logic that those in disagreement are no longer found to be “within” that state of thought, but are said to be “without” that state. For lack of those essential elements of mutual understanding, agreement, consent, and trust, and guided by their own morality, they have become, in fact, “stateless.”  It is the inevitable conclusion to being “without” that state.

Political Statelessness is a legitimate status recognized and protected by many nations including the United States and is codified by international convention and treaties into law. Ironically, once stateless, the sincerely held personal philosophy of that one who is now stateless, which ultimately lead to severance from conformity to convention, is the seed of a new system of thought and becomes the founding and guiding principles and philosophy of one’s new “state of mind.”

Such a condition of statelessness actually confers a sovereign character of it own onto the one who was “without” any other state’s constitutive framework by virtue of that new philosophy now being the seed of a new “state” of mind and thought. Although being only a state of one, technically, logically, and perhaps legally as well, the thinker is no longer stateless.

Through action inspired and guided by those new philosophies and principles, that new state of mind manifests into the physical – becoming then a state of “being.” This expansion of thought and reason is an inevitable process of a discerning mind and is in conformance with the natural order of things brought about by the universal Law of Attraction and the natural Law of Growth.

Some may be guided by their own Truth, that is to say an understanding of one’s own nature as a free human being; a self-aware, autonomous unit of free will; a sovereign exercising self-responsibility and self-governance, to express, display and enjoy those essential characteristics of a state unto itself as is our Right as one being “within” a unified natural state of humanity. That a Natural Law state of humanity exists and is antecedent to any fictional institutions of man is self-evident, although legally inconceivable to the “mind” of mere fictional governments, as fiction can never attain parity with that which is tangible.

Therefore, that One, original, natural state of humanity is here recognized as a universal and organic force of nature guided by a divine state of mind – the dynamic, self-contemplating, sentient, reasoning and creative mind of humanity. That state where the present moment is the only tangible reality and point of power, as it is recognized that the past is but a fleeting memory and the future, mere imagination. That natural state of humanity is here recognized manifest as a state of sovereign divine human beings.

The State of Humanity is a worldwide, apolitical, natural and free association of enlightened men and women who, having broken bonds with the artificial world of corporate states and governments, are returning to a state of nature and a Natural Law forum. Who, although considered politically “stateless,” are free, natural beings - each a sentient, autonomous units of free will, sovereignty, self-responsibility, and self-governance who hold sacred their inalienable natural Human Rights. We are working independently yet in unison as Emissaries of Peace for the recognition, celebration and protection of those rights for all humanity through a World Government of sovereign human beings.** 

I declare that I am a free, autonomous unit of free will, sovereignty, self-responsibility, and self-governance within the State of Humanity and I am an Emissary thereof. I do not recognize any government that does not recognize my humanity and honor my sacred, unalienable natural Human Rights.
                                                                                                                                   ~ roger renner™

*Not contemplated within the scope of this essay is the fact that such states, with which one may no longer be philosophically bound, may have a legal claim to the dissenter based upon various unilateral contracts engaged in within the franchise of citizenship while one was “within” that state. The determination of absolute freedom must consider the legality of the claims made by the state through such alleged “contracts” by reviewing the basic elements of a legal contract to determine whether the claims of a state will stand or crumble before the scepter of pure contract law.

** The concept of a true World Government of World Citizens in the service of human beings for the preservation of Human Rights within a framework of One Absolute Value, One World, and One Humanity is not contemplated within the scope of the United Nations, One World Government, the New World Order or any other human-enslaving political action group, and reference herein should not be mistaken for those entities and the philosophies that motivate them.

For more information on World Citizenship the reader may wish to visit: